Marlene Mautner
Marlene Mautner graduated in Applied Photography and Time based Media at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. In her work she embeds scientific interest in fictional worlds using photography and mixed media as tools for telling her versions of possible futures.
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Solar panels
The Decolonized Mars
Halloween in Fog City
Citius. Altius. Fortius.
The Soul Is Sick And Tired Of Its Too Solid Shell
Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
Mini Brains from “Looking Glass: Photographic Essays on the Mechanisms of Life”
Pickles for Club Sandwich Magazine
Star Dust Allergies
Beyondmeat for Chapter Magazine together with Erli Grünzweil
About the Universe – CERN Documentary
Uppers and Downers Nature Issue
Anouk Lamm Anouk for Uppers and Downers
About the Universe